The composition of governing bodies depends on the number and age range of pupils at the school and is based on DFEE recommendations. The variety of Governor roles is there to involve a cross-section of the local community into the school’s activities. The different categories of Governor are as follows:
1. Parent Governors
These Governors are elected by parents of pupils on the school roll and must be parents of pupils attending the school at the point of election.
2. LEA Appointed Governors
Representatives of the major political parties.
3. Staff Governors
Staff Governors are teaching or non-teaching employees at the school.
4. Co-Opted Governors
Co-Opted Governors are people from the local community who wish to work with the school. They are elected by the Governing Body.
5. Partnership Governors
Partnership Governors are non-parents/carers of our school, with skills needed to contribute to the effective governance and success. This could be someone in the local community who wishes to support our school. They can be nominated by parents / carers of the school, and/or the Governing Body.