

At Walmley Infant School we want each child to have high-quality computing education equipping pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics and science, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. Through the learning of computing is computer science, in which learners are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, learners are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


In Computing lessons, children use iPads and other ICT resources. Computing is integrated into many subjects of the curriculum to enhance the children’s skills and confidence when using resources. As pupils progress through school their computing confidence, understanding and independence grows.

Lessons in Computing include teaching input which recalls information from previous lessons as well as teaching the children new skills they will need to meet each objective. As well as this, children will have independent time on Purple Mash to complete the task set. At the end of the lesson, children will take part in a plenary. This can involve an additional opportunity to review and consolidate learning or begin to think about the next step.

As well as using Purple Mash, we use a comprehensive scheme of work to teach aspects of Online Safety explicitly throughout the year. Project Evolve is an online based scheme of work which is constantly ‘evolving’ to ensure the online safety messages that children and young people are being taught are delivered in a way that is more appropriate; more meaningful; that encourages reflection; that generates positive outcomes and are updating regularly to reflect the changing world. Online Safety content is separated into eight strands which are taught throughout the year covering everything from online relationships to copyright and ownership.

In each lesson there are 5 Non-Negotiables:

  1. Retrieval – At the start of the lesson, the children must complete a ‘Knowledge and Skill Recap Quiz’. This will consist of 1 definition-based question from previous lesson, 1 generalised question from last lesson’s learning that has firm links to the current lesson and 1 question from previous learning which links closely to the current learning taking place. Teachers may wish to adapt questions if needed.
  2. Vocabulary – The vocabulary for the lesson must be identified after the learning objective and success criteria has been discussed. The vocabulary must be defined to the children and used throughout the lesson to support computational thinking.
  3. Challenge and SEND – During lessons challenge needs to evident for all children at an appropriate level and can be provided through questioning during discussion and activities. As well as this there are challenge activities on Purple Mash to extend and deepen children’s thinking and learning further. To support SEND, resources are available in school e.g. the use of headphones on Purple Mash enables the software to read text aloud.
  4. Online Safety: SMART – All teachers must refer to the SMART poster in their classroom during each lesson. This must be referred to before going on the iPads to remind children how to stay safe online. This poster can be found on the Purple Mash Website in the ‘Teachers Area’.
  5. Modelling – Teachers must model the activities set on Purple Mash and how to access them. To do this, they need to ‘screen share’ their iPad to the interactive whiteboard and show the children the expectation for the activity.

In order to share key vocabulary and definitions with parents, we complete a half termly Subject Knowledge Organiser. This organiser also contains any key aspects of the curriculum that will be taught that half term.

Key vocabulary

Please click the links below to look at Year 1 and Year 2 key vocabulary.

Year 1 Computing Vocabulary

Year 2 Computing Vocabulary

Early Years Foundation Stage

Although the technology strand has been removed from the EYFS, technology plays a vital role in life in the 21st century, therefore pupils will be taught to:

  • Operate simple equipment
  • Use technological toys with knobs or pulleys, or real objects
  • Make toys work by pressing parts or lifting flaps to achieve effects such as sound, movements or new images
  • Know that information can be retrieved from technological devices
  • Interact with age-appropriate computer software.

In Reception during Summer 2, children will be taught how to sign into Purple Mash with an individual log in to prepare for the use of Purple Mash in KS1 lessons.

Key Stage 1

In Key Stage One lessons pupils will be taught to:

    • Understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
    • Create and debug simple programs
    • Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
    • Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
    • Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
    • Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

    For further information including Inclusion, Unicef Rights and British Values in Computing please see our ICT, Computing and E-Safety Policy.


In Early Years there are now no expectations for assessment in computing, however as a school we offer the use of technology to support other areas of the EYFS.

In Key Stage One children are assessed according the National Curriculum programmes of study and is supported by the use of end of block assessments. Through-out school, Tapestry is used as our assessment tool in order to track progress. Achievements and skills assessed against the Computing expectations taken from the National Curriculum will also be reported to parents on the annual report.

We monitor computing by undertaking learning scrutinies (online and in books), lesson observations/learning walks and pupil voice. This helps us measure the quality of curriculum coverage as well as the quality of teaching and learning.

When children leave our school at the end of Year 2, they will have the skills and knowledge to use basic technology confidently. They will also have an understanding of why computer science is important beyond school as well as being able to create and edit basic programmes and use digital media to research, edit and create. Not only will they have these knowledge and skills, they will also understand the importance of staying safe online, knowing what to do if they have any concerns.