Our Design and Technology curriculum provides a vehicle for further understanding of the fundamental British values:
In Design and Technology, we ensure that we are aware of and consider the views and values of others, particularly when working collaboratively. We may take votes and hold discussions when making decisions about our learning, and collaborative projects.
The rule of law
We understand the school rules and guidelines and recognise their importance in keeping ourselves and our peers safe. During projects and activities, we access our tools and materials making sure we are following school and class rules. We know and understand the consequences of not following our school rules. We aim to provide a calm creative environment for the children to express themselves.
Individual liberty
In Design and Technology, we are given the opportunity to express our individuality through our projects. We are given regular opportunities to make our own decisions and choices in our projects. Whilst making our own choices, we also know that there are boundaries, and we respect these.
Mutual respect
In the Design and Technology classroom we behave in a way that positively impacts the work and productivity of others. When giving feedback, we are constructive and respectful of others’ feelings and viewpoints. We work collaboratively on projects, having respect for our peers’ views and being receptive to the advice of others. We also use Design and Technology as a creative way to experience a variety of festivals and traditions.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We understand people have different views and opinions and that that these make them who they are. We are tolerant to such views and opinions and apply these attitudes when working with those who have different faiths and beliefs. SMSC is intrinsically linked to the D&T curriculum. Through planning for Design and Technology, we aim to develop a positive attitude towards individuality and a respect for diverse cultures.