Welcome to Reception

The Reception team

In Reception we enable each child, through encouragement and high expectations, to develop, to their full potential socially, physically, intellectually and emotionally. We also make each child independent, resilient and able to make choices and be a manager of their own behaviour and learning.

R1 Class Teacher
Mrs Hughes

R2 Class Teacher
Miss Collins

R3 Class Teacher
Miss Washbourne

Our Teaching Assistants are Miss Hulme, Mrs Saunders, Mrs Bowden and Miss Wilding (1:1).


Many of our Reception children come from our own School Nursery. However, transition from Nursery to Reception can be challenging for some children. As part of the transition process we offer opportunities for the children to meet their new teacher and visit their new classes. Reception staff contact Nursery staff to gain as much information as possible about the children to ensure transition is a smooth and happy experience.

Reception curriculum

Reception follow the curriculum as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) document. This framework defines what we teach and we use the Development Matters guidance to support our curriculum.

Reception follow a subject led curriculum, as well as following the children’s own interests. Concepts and new vocabulary are introduced to the children through group or whole class teaching, and also through the provision in the classroom allowing the children to explore and discover for themselves.  Each half term a curriculum overview is created and added to Tapestry to share what Reception will be learning.

Spring 1 Overview

The areas of learning covered in Reception are as follows:

Prime areas:

  • Personal, social and emotional development (self-regulation, building relationships and managing self)
  • Communication and language (listening, attention and understanding, speaking)
  • Physical development (gross and fine motor skills)

Specific areas:

  • Literacy (comprehension, word reading and writing)
  • Mathematics (number and numerical patterns)
  • Understanding the world (past and present, the natural world, people, culture and communities)
  • Expressive arts and design (creating with materials, being imaginative)

In Reception the children learn through play. They take part in focused, adult-led learning as well as child-led learning. For further information, please see our Curriculum Policy.

At the end of the year the children will be assessed against the 17 strands and this data will be submitted.

Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning

The characteristics of effective teaching and learning take into account how children learn, and are included in the Nursery planning.

The three characteristics are:

Playing and Exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’.

Active Learning – children concentrate and ‘keep on trying’ if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.

Creating and Thinking Critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


As a school we use the online learning journal ‘Tapestry’. Using this resource, Reception staff are able to share images and information on activities and learning taking place in Reception as well as progress and next steps. In order to access this, you will need login details from our school. Should you need any further information, please contact the school office enquiry@walmleyinfant.org.


Snacks are available for the children each day, this is in the form of fruit such as bananas, apples, pears etc. These snacks are government funded, so available to all children each day free of charge.


All children are entitled to milk in Reception. This is also government funded until the children reach their fifth birthday.

Water Bottles

Water bottles need to be sent into school on Monday each week. These are refilled each day with fresh water and then sent home on Friday.


All children have access to one PE session each week and, weather depending, often includes one outdoor and one indoor session. Please ensure your child has long hair tied back and earrings removed or taped if ears have been pierced in recent weeks. Please see our uniform guidance for further details on what your child should wear. Specific PE days will be shared with you via your Tapestry account.

Home Learning

Reception children will be asked to create a ‘word tin’ at home. Each week the sounds taught during the week and some words containing the sounds will be sent home, to be cut up and kept in the tin. The children will be asked the practice the sounds and reading the words.

Reception children will also bring a book home each week to read with you. They will also read a different book at School twice a week.

Contacting us

Should you wish to contact the Reception team regarding learning, then please email us on; reception@walmleyinfant.org

Please note; this email is accessed by all Reception staff so although your email may not be initially read by the specific member of staff you wish to contact, the email will be passed on to the correct teacher.

Pupil voice

We hope this provided you with lots of information as well as a clearer picture of what to expect when your child is in Reception.

Here are a few things the Reception children would like to share with you about being a pupil at our school…

“I like my teacher. She is kind”

“I like to play in Reception”

“ I learn lots of things”