In Year 1 we provide children with a calm, nurturing, yet inspiring classroom environment in which each child is provided with endless opportunities to access high-quality learning.
Welcome to Year 1
The Year 1 team
Y1.1 Class Teacher
Miss Perry
Y1.2 Class Teacher
Miss Maryam
Y1.3 Class Teacher
Mrs Walmsley
Our Teaching Assistants are Miss Neath, Mrs Graham and Mrs Alexander.
We understand that transition from Reception to Year 1 can be a big step for lots of our children. As a result, we try to alleviate any worries and concerns through providing a transitional period which mirrors the way children have learnt whilst in their reception classes, this includes aspects of continuous provision. Prior to children starting in Year 1, there are also a number of opportunities for the children to visit their new classes and spend time with their new teachers. Over the first term children will gradually be introduced to a more formal learning style and take part in more structured lessons.
Year 1 curriculum
In Year 1 our curriculum is subject based and careful planning ensures the children have exciting new learning experiences each half term. We teach using the National Curriculum so lessons include English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music, PE and Computing. Special subject days and trips are planned into the year to enhance and extend the children’s learning. As a year group we create Subject Knowledge Organisers for each half term that provide you with further information regarding what Year 1 will be learning and how you can support your child further at home.
For further information, please read our Curriculum Policy.
As a school we use the online learning journal ‘Tapestry’. Using this resource, staff are able to share images, information and assessments with you. In order to access this, you will need login details from our school. Should you need any further information, please contact the school office
Snacks are available for the children each day, this is in the form of fruit such as bananas, apples and one of the children’s favourites, raisins! These snacks are government funded, so available to all children each day free of charge.
Water Bottles
Water bottles need to be sent into school on Monday each week. These are refilled each day with fresh water and then sent home on Friday.
All children have access to two PE sessions each week and, weather depending, often includes one outdoor and one indoor session. Please ensure your child has long hair tied back and earrings removed or taped if ears have been pierced in recent weeks. Please see our uniform guidance for further details on what your child should wear. Specific PE days will be shared with you via your Tapestry account.
Home Learning
This will be sent out on a Friday and needs to be returned on a Tuesday. This takes the form of a CGP workbook and details about which page to complete each week will be sent to you via your Tapestry account. Children in Year 1 also have access to Numbots. This is an online maths tool that supports the quick recall of number facts. Children are asked to use Numbots at least 5 days a week, for only a few minutes on each of these days. Each child will also receive a book to read at home each week. Each class teacher will inform you which day your child reads in school so please ensure your book is returned on this day. Please take the time to share this book with your child.
Contacting us
Should you wish to contact the Year 1 team regarding learning, then please email us at
Please note: this email is accessed by all Year 1 staff so although your email may not be initially read by the specific member of staff you wish to contact, the email will be passed on to the correct teacher.
Pupil voice
We hope this provided you with lots of information as well as a clearer picture of what to expect when your child is in Year 1.
Here are a few things the year 1 children would like to share with you about being a pupil at our school:
‘It’s lots of fun in year 1, you get to play with your friends’
‘There are lots of important jobs to do and you can help each other’
‘I really like practicing my words, it is tricky but it helps me to think’
‘My teacher is very nice’