School Uniform

At Walmley, we aim to promote each child’s right to express their gender and personality in whichever way feels right for them.

To support this aim, our uniform policy is gender neutral. This means we expect all of our children to wear school uniform and the rules for boys and girls are the same. We do not insist that they wear specific items of clothing.

Please ensure that all items of clothing and uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name as we cannot be responsible for items that go missing. Lost property is kept for 1 term and then it is recycled.

You can buy uniform directly from school or via Marks and Spencer,

Walmley Infant School (

For uniform which does not have the school logo, this can be purchased from a variety of shops and supermarkets. We ask that you adhere to school colours.



  • Blue Walmley school jumper or cardigan
  • White school shirt and Walmley tie or white polo shirt (plain or with logo)
  • Grey school trousers or grey school shorts
  • Grey or blue pinafore
  • Grey or blue skirt
  • Blue checked summer dress
  • Plain black, plain grey or plain white socks
  • Plain navy or grey tights
  • Navy, grey or black hijab (plain fabric only)
  • Black school shoes (preferably without laces) under no circumstances must open toed shoes be worn. Trainers are not acceptable as school shoes.
  • A coat with a hood. Please make sure the coat has a hook for hanging on a peg.

P.E. Kit

P.E Kit

To enable your child to fully participate in Physical Education please ensure they have the correct kit.

For safety reasons please ensure your child has removed all earrings and jewellery on the day have P.E. or take part in a club. Long hair must be tied back, and watches removed. If your child has recently had their earring pierced, children must tape their ears or come to school with tape covering the earrings. We expect earrings to be removed once the piercing has healed.


Nursery children will bring suitable sportswear from home when they start to do P.E. in the hall.

  • Jogging bottoms/shorts
  • T- shirt
  • Trainers


Summer/Indoor Kit

  • Blue shorts
  • Yellow t-shirt
  • Trainers

Key Stage One

Summer/Indoor Kit

  • Blue shorts
  • Yellow t-shirt
  • Trainers

Winter Kit

  • Blue/black tracksuit bottoms
  • Yellow t-shirt
  • Blue/black zip up fleece
  • Trainers



  • Walmley School book bag
  • Water bottle – personalised or labelled

Hair and Jewellery


  • Walmley School book bag
  • Water bottle – personalised or labelled