Here are what some children had to say about Maths at our school…
‘I like doing quizzes because they help me learn and are really fun’ (Year 2 child)
‘I love working things out mentally and doing the challenges, it really gets my brain working’ (Year 2 child)
‘I am proudest of my learning about time. I couldn’t do it at the start but after I practised and had some help, I can do it now and I feel really proud of myself’ (Year 2 child)
‘It doesn’t matter if you get something wrong, it’s how you learn’ (Year 1 child)
‘My favourite part of Maths is when we do our tasks, they are really fun!’ (Year 1 child)
‘I have learned lots more about Maths in Year 1, especially how to use my new skills to solve problems’ (Year 1 child)
‘I really like counting, I can count up to really big numbers’ (Reception)
‘I like adding and taking away in Maths’ (Reception)
In Early Years, teachers track the progress of pupils according to the statements in the Early Years profile for Maths. In Key Stage One children are assessed according the National Curriculum programmes of study and is supported by the use of end of block assessments. Through-out school, Tapestry is used as our assessment tool in order to track progress. At the end of Year 2, children are assessed according to the End of Key Stage Assessment framework which is then shared with parents.
When recording Maths tasks in Key Stage One, Children’s learning is marked and same day Maths interventions are then offered to pupils when needed. This small group session supports children’s understanding and application of the concepts taught that day.
At Walmley Infant School, we understand the importance of establishing a strong foundation of mathematical understanding and how this has a lifelong impact on the rest of a child’s mathematical journey.
For further information on how we teach Maths as well as information on Inclusion, Unicef Rights and British Values in Mathematics please see our school Mathematics Policy.