
The Local Authority are the admission officers for the school. Therefore if you wish to apply for a Reception place, you need to contact the Local Authority Admissions Department.

If you wish to enquire about an in year place at Walmley Infant School, please contact the Local Authority Admissions Department who will advise you on how to apply for any places that may be available.

Alternatively you can contact the school office on 0121 351 1355.

Criterion 1: Children in care

Looked after and previously looked after children.

Children who are looked after or immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangement order or special guardianship order. This includes any child / young person who is subject to a Full Care Order, an interim Care Order, accommodated under Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989, is remanded or detained into Local Authority accommodation under Criminal Law or who has been placed for adoption. Evidence may be requested from carer’s whose children are looked after or were previously looked after by another Local Authority.

Children adopted from state care outside of England Children who appear (to the Governing body) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted will be given equal first priority in admission arrangements, alongside looked after children (LAC) and children who were previously looked after by English local authorities (PLAC). These children are referred to as internationally adopted previously looked after children – “IAPLAC”.

Evidence will be required from the carer confirming that their child meets the above criteria in accordance with the DfE’s non-statutory guidance on the admission of IAPLAC.

Criterion 2: Siblings

Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either:

  1. have one or both natural parents in common; or
  2. are related by a parent’s marriage; or
  3. are adopted or fostered by a common parent.

Unrelated children living at the same address, whose parents are living as partners, are also considered to be siblings.

Children not adopted or fostered or related by a parent’s marriage or with one natural parent in common, who are brought together as a family by a same sex civil partnership and who are living at the same address, are also considered to be siblings.

Children that the above applies to that attend either Walmley Infant School or Walmley Junior School our linked junior school are classed as siblings.

Criterion 3: Children of staff

Walmley Infant School gives priority to children staff in either or both of the following circumstances:

  1. where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made; and/or
  2. the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post at the school for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

Criterion 4: Distance

Distances are calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between applicant’s home address the main school gates. The Local Authority uses a computerised system, which measures all distances in metres. Ordnance Survey supply the co-ordinates that are used to plot an applicant’s home address and the address of the school.